Types of Insurance Optimized at Coverage Cat


By Jazzmin Lu

Jazzmin is a licensed insurance broker, NPN 1842252. Jazzmin likes dogs, cats, growth, and 🔥 content. She holds a Marketing Masters from the University of Colorado-Denver with a focus on Marketing Strategy and Consumer Behavior.

Types of Insurance

We’re currently quoting competitive insurance rates in California, Florida, New York, Texas, and Washington. More states are coming soon!

Car Insurance

Whether you drive a car, truck, SUV, or minivan, whether your vehicle has two, three, four, or more than four wheels, and whether you have one car or ten … you need car insurance. Everyone’s needs are different and we’ll help you make sure you’re insured optimally.  Learn how to optimize car insurance, how to buy car insurance, and what types of car insurance you can buy in the US.

Homeowners Insurance

Your most expensive asset must be protected or you risk losing it. In addition to the structure itself, you’ll want to consider the land it sits on and all of the contents inside. Deciding how much homeowners insurance you need can be tricky, but we’ll make sure you get the best rates we can find.  Learn how to optimize homeowners and condo insurance, pick the right endorsements and what to do when your homeowners insurance drops you.

Renters Insurance

While you’re not responsible for the four walls or what happens to them that’s beyond your control, you’re generally required to insure your belongings or even carry personal liability insurance in case you cause any damage. Renter’s insurance doesn’t have to be expensive, but it’s a good idea to double check you’re not overpaying, let us check for you. Learn how to optimize your renters insurance.

Umbrella Insurance

When you own a car and have significant assets to protect, you don’t want to let a rogue asteroid destroy the fruits of all your hard work. An umbrella insurance policy kicks in where your other policies max out. Life happens, an umbrella policy is a great way to protect yourself and your assets, while saving money, too. Find out how an umbrella policy can save you money on insurance. Learn about umbrella insurance.

Don’t want to figure it all out yourself?

Let the Coverage Cats optimize all of your insurance for you. Get started


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